White Bellbird Proudly Displays Its Long Feathery Goatee, And It’s Recognized For Being The whitest, The Brightest, And The Loudest

The deafening screech of this bird surpasses the noise level of a jackhammer, overpowering the melodies of numerous other songbirds around.

Against a lush green backdrop, he effortlessly catches the eye with his striking white plumage and prominent long feathery goatee, ensuring his presence is impossible to overlook, as he also happens to be the most vociferous.

The white bellbird (Procnias albus) belongs to the Cotingidae family, and its male counterpart displays an immaculate white plumage. It also features a lengthy black fleshy wattle, sparsely adorned with matching white feathers. This unique appendage hangs down from the upper part of its beak, typically on the right side.

The female of the species is generally olive in color, with yellowish streaks on her belly.

What made the White Bellbird so famous is its song.

According to CNN, the white bellbird’s shriek is louder than a jackhammer, drowning out many other songbirds in the process. Holding the prestigious title of the loudest bird in the world reaching 125 dB

These birds are found in the Guianas, with smaller populations in Venezuela and the Brazilian state of Pará. In these areas they feed at higher elevations feeding on fruit, which at times they are able to eat whole, being able to open their beaks wider than 90 degrees. This ability is also thought to aid their loud vocalization skills.

Not much is known about breeding with this species. It is known the female alone tends the nest, feeding her hatchlings only on fruit.

This White Bellbirds population appears to be stable. However, it could be in slight decline due to deforestation.