Look! Bird’s Name Perfectly Suits Its Endearing Nature And Appearance

What once appeared completely normal, even rational, a century ago can now elicit laughter.

If this bird were aware of being the subject of laughter, it would probably have a strongly negative reaction. Being highly territorial towards other birds, this avian creature is known for its serious demeanor. Fortunately, Willy Wagtails (Rhipidura leucophry) are known to be amiable towards humans.

Although I’m unsure about the originator of the name “Willy” for this bird, there is indeed a valid explanation, which will become apparent later, for the inclusion of “Wagtail.”

While the name may appear whimsical in today’s standards, it actually complements the bird’s inherent charm and adorableness.

The reason behind their name “Wagtails” is attributed to their tendency to wag their tails, to some extent.

Mind you, it’s more like a whole-body movement than a deliberate move of the birds tail.

Alongside tail wagging the bird also has very distinctive coloring.

Their backs and tails are black as well as a patch on their snowy white chest.


Then, of course, they have those white “eyebrows” that make them look seriously unimpressed with how funny you find their name.

However, as previously mentioned they do seem to like humans.

Willy Wagtails are common throughout much of Australia and Southeastern Asia and are easily seen in urban areas.