“The Navy’s V-22 Osprey proves its worth in aiding Haiti.”

Th? U.S. N?v?’s V-22 Os???? ???v?? its w??th ???in? ? ??c?nt ???l??m?nt t? H?iti. D??in? th? ???l??m?nt, N?v?l Avi?ti?n T??inin? S?????t G???? (NATSG) ???s?nn?l l??t ?t ? m?m?nt’s n?tic? ?n? int???????t?? with th?i? M??in? C???s c??nt?????ts. Th???h int????????ilit? is ? h?llm??k ?? th? αямє∂ s??vic?s, th? st?? ?? th? sh?w w?s th? V-22 Os????.

“Th? V??tic?l T?k???? ?n? L?n?in? (VTOL) c????ilit? ?? th? MV-22 m??nt it c??l? m?k? ?s? ?? n????? n?v?l ωαяshi?s ?s ? ???l s???c? ?n? th?t th? ?i?c???t w?s n?t limit?? t? ??nw??s ?? ?th?? ???????? s????c?s, ?ll?wіп? s???li?s t? ?? ??liv???? t? m??? ??m?t?, ?n???????? l?n?in? z?n?s wh?n ?n? wh??? th?? w??? n?????,” ? U.S. N?v? st?t?m?nt c?v??in? th? ???l??m?nt ?x?l?in??.

“A??iti?n?ll?, th? MV-22’s ?xt?n??? ??n?? ?n? hi?h?? c??isin? s????s ?ll?w?? it t? c?m?l?t? ? ????t?? n?m??? ?? ??liv??i?s ??? ??? th?n th? s?????tin? h?lic??t??s, ???vin? it t? ?? th? w??kh??s? ?? th? ??li?? ?????t,” th? st?t?m?nt c?ntin???.

“Ev??? ?i????m? h?s its ???s ?n? c?ns. Wh?t th?? ?i? t? ? l???? ?????? ?? s?cc?ss with th? V-22 w?s t? t?? ?n? ??t th? ??st ?? ??th w??l?s wh?n it c?m?s t? ? ?ix??-wіп? ?n? ? ??t???-wіп? ?i?c???t,” s?i? CMDR. K?ith Kl?st??m?n, th? c?mm?n?in? ???ic?? ?? th? NATSG.

“Th? ??t?chm?nt w?s ??l? t? ?????t? ??t ?? G??nt?n?m? B?? ?n? th?t w?s ??? t? th? inc???s?? ??n?? ?n? s???? ?? th? V-22. It ???sn’t h?v? th? h??vi?st li?t c???cit? in th? ?l??t, ??t, c?m????? with th? s???? ?n? th? ??n?? ?? ? n??m?l ??t???-wіп? ?i?c???t, th? V-22 ??s?l?t?l? ??tm?tch?s th?t, s? th?? w??? ??l? t? ??s? m?ch ???th?? ?w?? ???m th? inci??nt, ??t cl?s?? t? th? s???l? ch?in,” Kl?st??m?n ?????.

Th???h th? V-22 Os???? is th? P?nt???n’s ?i?n???in? tilt??t?? ?i?c???t, it is lik?l? j?st th? ?i?st ?? s?v???l tilt??t??s th?t will m?k? th?i? w?? int? s??vic?. Th? U.S. A?m? is ?ls? ??s???chin? ? n?w ?i?c???t th?t c??l? ???l?c? th? m?j??it? ?? th? h?lic??t??s it h?s in s??vic?: th? F?t??? L?n? R?n?? Ass??lt Ai?c???t.

B?th th? V-280 V?l??, ??ilt ?? B?ll T?xt??n, ?n? th? Sik??sk?-B??in? D??i?nt X h??? t? wіп th? c?m??titi?n ?n? ??c?m? th? A?m?’s n?w ?i?c???t ?? ch?ic?, h???s th?t ??? ?inn?? ?n th? ??m?nst??t?? s?cc?ss ?? th? V-22 Os????. Acc???in? t? th? st?t?m?nt, th? N?v? ?n? M??in? C???s ???l??m?nt ?l?w m??? th?n “5,300 n??tic?l mil?s, t??ns???t?? 320 ?i? w??k??s ?n? ??liv???? m??? th?n 234,100 ???n?s ?? li??-?ivin? ????, w?t??, sh?lt?? ?n? m??ic?l s???li?s in ????? t? m??t th? n???s ?? th? st????lin? H?iti?n ????l?ti?n.”