Ethereal Scarlet Splendor: Revealing the mуѕteгіoᴜѕ Charm of the Brazilian Tanager amidst the Verdant Canopy

A visually striking bird, with his bright crimson body, he shines like a neon light! Even more so against a background of black wings and tail.

Meet the Brazilian Tanager

This species is native to the east coast of Brazil from Paraíba all the way down to Santa Catarina.

Brazilian tanager breed from October through to March, building a cup-shaped nest using plant fibers from agaves, coconuts, palms, and grassroots. 2-3 eggs are laid within and incubated by the female for around 13 days. After hatching the chicks become fledged after 14-17 days.

Despite some trapping for the caged bird trade, the Brazilian tanager population to be stable as the bird is able to adapt to manmade changes in its environment.

Watch this stunning bird in the video right here below: