“Extгаoгdіпагу Mutant Bipedal Calf Resembling a Kangaroo Stirs Wonder and Amazement!”

Wang Shiyouhe bought the mutant calf when it was just over a week old through a friend’s recommendation.

Shiyouhe from the village of Henan, Shandong province, China said that he had never seen such a calf in more than a decade of working as a breeder. Also because of the uniqueness of the calf, he decided to рау 200 yuan to become its real owner.

Currently, on average, Shiyouhe spends an extra £6 each day on milk for the lovely animal. He also intends to raise it to adulthood, despite its physical abnormalities.

Because it has only 2 legs, the calf looks quite like a kangaroo. Shiyouhe said that it still can’t walk and he doesn’t know how to teach it to walk yet.

“It’s ѕtгoпɡ and I’ll keep it, as long as it’s alive,” Shiyouhe confided.

Also because of its special appearance, the calf has become the main topic of the residents of the Henan village where Shiyouhe lives. Many people have visited to see the calf in person. Shiyouhe’s children also seem quite interested in the animal and often feed it in the cage.