Miraculously A Brave Mother Elephant Fights With A Ferocious Lion To Save Her Baby From The Danger Of Near Death.

This is the stunning moment a brave mother elephant charged at two lionesses in Zimbabwe to save her young from being e.a.t.e.n.

The lio nesses were hunting a warthog when a newborn elephant broke away from its group, according to photographer Kevin Dooley, who photographed the scenes in Mana Pools National Park last month.

According to Mr. Dooley, the elephant calf began chasing the warthog, oblivious of the predators hiding close, before being p.i.n.n.e.d to the ground by lions attempting to k.i.l.l it.

In Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe, a brave mother elephant saved her calf from being e.a.t.e.n after charging at two lionesses who had p.i.n.n.e.d it to the ground.

A trio of lions set their sights on a baby elephant after it began playfully pursuing a warthog that they had been stalking, according to photographer Kevin Dooley. According to Dooley, the lions perceived the elephant as a more significant source of food than the warthog, which would have been devoured in a matter of hours. One of the lionesses was pregnant and desperately needed food.

Lions typically avoid hunting elephants because they are a difficult target. Lions who specialize in elephant hunting grow up in prides that have perfected their abilities. The lions easily attacked the newborn elephant, leaping onto its back and driving it to the ground. They immobilized the elephant and started eating it.

Lions typically avoid hunting elephants because they are a difficult target. Lions who specialize in elephant hunting grow up in prides that have perfected their abilities. The lions easily attacked the newborn elephant, leaping onto its back and driving it to the ground. They immobilized the elephant and started eating it.The newborn elephant wailed loudly, and a teenage elephant arrived minutes later to try to save its younger brother. The lions, however, refused to give up their meal, and the boy eventually ran in terror. The mother elephant then charged at the lions, attempting to save her calf. The mother elephant flung dust into the air in rage as one of the lionesses rapidly withdrew.

The newborn elephant’s younger sibling (on the right) was the first to arrive and attempted to scare off the lions, but he was not powerful enough to take on both of them. The mother elephant (on the left) then appeared and chased the lions away.

‘The second lioness stood her position, roaring and snarling at the mother elephant. However, the elephant did not back down, and the lion soon gave up, knowing she was no match for an enraged adult elephant.

‘After the lions had gone, the mother elephant picked the infant up with her trunk and examined her. The lions bolted into the neighboring bushes. The entire herd, now comprising of six or seven elephants, assaulted the bushes, and the lions fled.

‘I knew I was witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, so I was preoccupied with taking images.

‘At first, before the mother arrived, I was a little sad, but I knew the lions needed to eat. I knew they didn’t stand a chance when I saw the mother elephant charging the lions.’