Thales’ Apollo unmanned surface vessel achieves success in its premiere autonomous mine-detecting tests.

It h?s ??c?ntl? ???n c?n?i?m?? ?? th? UK Minist?? ?? D???nc? th?t th? t?i?ls w??? ??n in D?c?m??? 2022 ?? th? R???l N?v? M??itim? A?t?n?m??s S?st?m T?i?ls T??m (MASTT), s?????t?? ?? Th?l?s. O?s??vin? ?n? ?????vin? th? t?i?ls ??? W??m??th B?? w??? ?????s?nt?tiv?s ???m th? UK N?v?l A?th??it? ?n? T?chn?l??? G???? (NATG) ?n? th? Min? H?ntin? C????ilit? t??m ???m th? Minist?? ?? D???nc?. Th? ??????mm? is ??liv??in? w??l? l???in? m??itim? min? w?????? c????iliti?s, which will k??? th? UK ?n? F??nc? ?t th? ???????nt ?? n?v?l ??t?n?m??s s?st?ms t?chn?l???. Th? ??liv??? ?? ?nc??w?? min? cl????nc? ?l?t???ms will ?ll?w th? R???l N?v? (RN) t? c?ntin?? th?i? im???t?nt ??l? ?? k???in? shi??in? l?n?s ???n with??t ??ttin? ? s?il??s ?? c??w?? ?l?t???ms int? th? th???t ????.

“W? h?v? ? l?n? t???iti?n ?? s?????tin? th? R???l N?v? ?n? M??in? n?ti?n?l? in min? w??????, s????c? shi? ?n? ?n???w?t?? ?????ti?ns ?n? w? ??? v??? ????? t? ?? w??kin? with th?m t? ??in? th?s? ??m?-ch?n?in? ??t?n?m??s s?st?ms int? ?????ti?n?l s??vic?.” Gw?n??lin? Bl?n?in-R????, M?n??in? Di??ct?? Un???w?t?? S?st?ms, Th?l?s s?i?.

“As th? ?i?st ?? th?i? kin?, th?s? t?i?ls ??? ? si?ni?ic?nt mil?st?n? in th? ??th t?w???s c??ti?ic?ti?n ?? ??t?n?m??s m??itim? s?st?ms ??? ?????ti?n?l ?s?. Th?? ?????s?nt ?n? ?? th? ?i?st im???t?nt st??s in ??inin? t??st in ?nc??w?? v?ss?ls in ? c?m?l?x ??????mm?. Th? t?i?l is ? c?itic?l ??m?t? ?????ti?n st???in? st?n? t?w???s ??t?n?m??s min? h?ntin?.” Al?x C??ssw?ll – Chi?? Ex?c?tiv? ?n? Ch?i?m?n, Th?l?s UK s?i?.

“As th? ?i?st ?? th?i? kin?, th?s? t?i?ls ??? ? si?ni?ic?nt mil?st?n? in th? ??th t?w???s c??ti?ic?ti?n ?? ??t?n?m??s m??itim? s?st?ms ??? ?????ti?n?l ?s?. Th?? ?????s?nt ?n? ?? th? ?i?st im???t?nt st??s in ??inin? t??st in ?nc??w?? v?ss?ls in ? c?m?l?x ??????mm?. Th? t?i?l is ? c?itic?l ??m?t? ?????ti?n st???in? st?n? t?w???s ??t?n?m??s min? h?ntin?.” Al?x C??ssw?ll – Chi?? Ex?c?tiv? ?n? Ch?i?m?n, Th?l?s UK s?i?.

Fitt?? with ? ??w????l c?m?in?ti?n ?? s?ns??s, incl??in? ?????, LIDAR (li?ht ??t?cti?n ?n? ??n?in?) ?n? ?l?ct??-??tic?l ?n? in???-??? c?m???s, th? v?ss?l’s ??siti?n w?s c?ntin???sl? ??l???? t? th? c?mm?n? ?n? c?nt??l c?nt?? ?v?? ? s?c??? c?mm?nic?ti?ns n?tw??k. This c?nn?cti?n ?n??l?? th? c?mm?n? ?n? c?nt??l s??tw??? t? m???? th? s?ns?? in??ts int? ? sin?l? (C?h???nt) t?ctic?l ?ict??? ?sin? Th?l?s MC??? missi?n m?n???m?nt s??tw???. It ?ls? ?ll?ws ??t?cti?n ?n? t??ckin? ?? ?th?? v?ss?ls ?n? t? t?k? ???????i?t? ?cti?ns, incl??in? ??m?t?l? c?nt??ll?? ?v?i??nc? m?n???v??s.

In s??vic?, th?s? v?ss?ls will ?? c????l? ?? ?????tin? in n?ti?n?l w?t??s ?? ??in? ?i?-t??ns???t?? ??ickl? ?c??ss th? w??l? t? h?nt ??? min?s in ??n??? z?n?s ?? s?c??? s?? lin?s ?? c?mm?nic?ti?ns, whil? ??m?nst??tin? hi?h ??t?s ?? ??li??ilit?, ??t?n?m? ?n? c????s?c??it?. Th?? c?n ?? ???l???? ?n? ?????t?? ???m shi? ?n? sh??? ??s?s ???vi?in? c?n?i?????l? ?n? ??????m?nt c????ilit?. RNMB A??ll? is ?n? ?? th? tw? ???-?????cti?n Unc??w?? S????c? V?ss?ls ??liv???? t? th? R???l N?v? ?n? M??in? n?ti?n?l? (F??nch N?v?) in D?c?m??? 2021 ?s ???t ?? th? j?int UK-F??nc? M??itim? Min? C??nt?? M??s???s (MMCM) ??????mm? which will ??in? ??t?n?m??s min? h?ntin? c????ilit? t? th? tw? ??s??ctiv? Fl??ts. With st??? tw? ?? th? c?nt??ct n?w in th? ?????cti?n ?h?s?, Th?l?s is ?ctiv?l? w??kin? with th? c?st?m??s ?n? will ?? ??l? t? ??liv?? ??ll ?????tin? c????ilit? t? ??th N?ti?ns in 2024.


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