The crimson-feathered dancers, the emerald-hued performers, the speckled-patterned avian artists… are captivating bird species from the untamed rainforests of the Americas that draw every gaze towards them.
Let’s see the beautiful bird

Blue ball dancer (Chlorochrysa phoenicotis). Distribution: Misty forests of the Andes mountains of western Ecuador and western Colombia.

Black-breasted mountain dancer (Cnemathraupis eximia). Distribution: High Andes mountains from extreme western Venezuela to extreme northwest Peru.

Grass green dancer (Chlorornis riefferii). Distribution: Cool-climate regions of the Andes from Colombia to Bolivia.

Blue-headed dancer bird (Tangara seledon). Distribution: Moist forests, forest edges, urban parks and gardens in the southeastern coastal region of Brazil.

The blue-gray dancer (Thraupis episcopus). Distribution: Wide range of habitats, including urban areas, in Central America and northern South America.

Fire-faced dancer bird (Tangara parzudakii). Distribution: Along the Andes, from Colombia to Peru.

Moss-backed dancer (Bangsia edwardsi). Distribution: Andes fog forests of northwestern Ecuador and western Colombia.

Emerald dancer bird (Tangara florida). Distribution: Costa Rica and northern Panama.

Red-hatted dancer (Piranga rubriceps). Distribution: High altitude Andes fog forest, from Colombia to Peru.

Blue-winged dancer (Anisognathus somptuosus). Distribution: Andes fog forest from Colombia to Bolivia.

Speckled dancer bird (Ixothraupis guttata). Distribution: From Nicaragua to Ecuador and Surinam.

The saffron-crown dancer (Tangara xanthocephala). Distribution: Subtropical Andes from Venezuela to Bolivia.

The iridescent blue dancer (Tangara labradorides). Distribution: Subtropical Andes from Colombia to Peru.

The vermilion dancer (Calochaetes coccineus). Distribution: Misty forests along the eastern slopes of the Andes, from Colombia to Peru. Photo: eBird.

Fire dancer (Piranga bidentata). Distribution area: Central America.
Truly, the enchanting beauty of the avian dancers found exclusively in the American continent leaves an indelible impression on all who behold them. With their vibrant plumage and graceful movements, these avian performers create a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates the hearts of nature enthusiasts worldwide. Each species, whether adorned in fiery reds, shimmering greens, or adorned with intricate patterns, adds its unique touch to the magnificent tapestry of avian beauty. The allure of these American feathered artists serves as a reminder of the wondrous biodiversity that exists within the untamed landscapes of the Americas. As we continue to marvel at the resplendent colors and effortless dances of these avian gems, we are reminded of the immeasurable wonders nature bestows upon us, and the need to cherish and protect these precious creatures and their habitats.