Eleven well-preserved graves found in capital city Lima.
Th??? ??l?n? t? Lim? c?lt??? ?n? ?i?ht t? Yschm? ????l?, sci?ntists s??
E?ch sk?l?t?n ???n? l?in? in ? ??? ?? w?v?n ????
A ???i?l sit? c?nt?inin? ?l?v?n ???-Inc? t?m?s, s?m? ??tin? ??ck m??? th?n 1,400 ????s, h?s ???n ?isc?v???? n??? ? s???ts c?nt?? in P???.
An ??ch???l??? t??m ????n ?xc?v?ti?n w??k ?t th? H??c? T???c Am??? B sit? n??? P???’s n?ti?n?l s???ts vill??? in th? c??it?l Lim? in D?c?m???.
Y?st????? th?? ?nv?il?? th?i? ?in?in?s s? ??? which incl??? th? w?ll-???s??v?? ???v?s c?nt?inin? ?l?v?n ???-His??nic ???i?s.
Th? w?ll-???s??v?? sk?l?t?ns w??? ???n? w?????? in cl?th ?n? s?????n??? ?? c???mics, t?xtil?s, ???it t??? l??v?s ?n? t??ls ?s?? ??? ???ic?lt???
A?ch???l??ist F??n?n?? H??????, h??? ?? th? ???j?ct, s?i? th??? s?ts ?? ??m?ins ??l?n? t? th? Lim? c?lt???, which ??v?l???? ??tw??n A.D. 200 ?n? 700. Th? ?i?ht ?th?? sk?l?t?ns c?m? ???m th? m??? ??c?nt Yschm? c?lt???, ??tw??n A.D. 1000 ?n? 1400.
E?ch sk?l?t?n w?s ???n? l?in? ?n ? ??? ?? w?v?n ????s. Th? ???i?s w??? ti?? with ???i??? ??tt?n – ? s??ci?s ?? ??lm – ?n? c?v???? ?? ?n? ?? m??? cl?ths. Th?? w??? ???i?? with c???mics, t?xtil?s, ???it t??? l??v?s, ?n? t??ls ?s?? ??? ???ic?lt???.
Th? 400-s?????-m?t?? sit? sits j?st ? ??w m?t??s ???m th? st??i?m wh??? P???’s n?ti?n?l ???t??ll t??m t??ins.
An ??ch???l??ist ???sh?s ? ??c?ntl? ?isc?v???? P??-his??nic v?ss?l n?xt t? ? m?mm? ?t th? sit? in Lim?
Th? ??ch???l??? sit? li?s j?st ? ??w h?n???? m?t??s ???m wh??? P???;s n?ti?n?l ???t??ll t??m t??ins
H?????? s?i? th? ?i?st sk?l?t?n w?s ???n? in D?c?m??? ?n? th? ?th??s w??? ??c?v???? in J?n????. Th? ??ch???l??ic?l t??m thinks th??? m?? ?? m??? ?n? is still s???chin? th? sit?.
Th??? ??? m?n? ??ch???l??ic?l sit?s in Lim?, incl??in? th? H??c? P?cll?n? in th? Mi???l???s ??si??nti?l ?ist?ict th?t h?s ? t?w??in? Lim? c?lt??? ????mi?.
L?is F?li?? Vill?c??t?, ?n ??ch???l??ist ?n? hist??i?n wh? is ?i??ct?? ?? th? ??iv?t? Ant?ni? R?im?n?i m?s??m, s?i? th? ?in? ?t th? s???ts c?nt?? will ??? t? ‘th? m?s?ic ?n? im??? ?? th? Lim? c?lt??? th?t is v??? ?i???s?’ c?m????? t? th? N?zc? ?n? M?ch? civiliz?ti?ns th?t ??v?l???? sim?lt?n???sl? in ?th?? ???ts ?? th? c??st ?? wh?t is n?w P???.
Un???t?n?t?l? n?t m?ch is kn?wn ?? th? Lim? c?lt???, h? s?i?, ???tl? ‘??c??s? th? cit?, th? c??it?l, h?s ???wn ?v?? it.’
In ???iti?n, th??? h?s ???n m??? int???st in th? ‘???-His??nic c?lt???s th?t ??? ??tsi?? th? m?t????lit?n ????: th? M?ch?, N?zc?, W??i,’ h? ?????.